Friday, February 03, 2012

Music Review: Hourglass EP

I love it when new music just falls into my lap, or more to the point, comes up, slaps me across the face and forces me to pay attention to it when I’m least expecting it. It doesn’t happen very often but when it does its memorable. I can remember discovering Better Than Ezra eons ago on a defunct TV show (that subsequently launched Orlando Jones’ career, which weird, also neither here nor there so moving on) on FX when FX was a completely different cable channel called Sound FX. They were a revelation and are still one of the only bands to make it out of my teens relatively unscathed.

Other musical revelations that caught me completely off guard include a moment when an old coworker and music junkie handing me a mix CD involving a Rocky Votolato song that rocked me to the core, finding The Joy Formidable thanks to a person I follow on twitter and now I can count finding Brian Bergeron amongst those experiences. He followed me on twitter for whatever reason God only knows. He wasn’t the typical account that follows me on twitter (usually they are fake accounts featuring scantily clad women asking me to check out their porn sites, don’t ask me why cause I haven’t the foggiest). His twitter account intrigued me, I clicked a link to his website, listened to the music from his EP, Hourglass and fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

It’s a solid folk EP, and it meets are the mile markers a good folk album is supposed to. The stand out to me is 'Don’t Let Me Go'. I keep coming back to it, and it keeps giving me goose bumps the way a good song is meant to.  The other two I like. The title song, Hourglass is also grabbing me the more I listen to it. Although I have to say ‘One I Want’ is great lyrically, but a little shaky musically maybe?  But that's the only criticism I can even think to throw at it. But the EP is well worth it. I love finding indie music in my neck of the woods (San Francisco, I love you and your awesome music scene!) and Bergeron is no exception.  and I’ll probably end up downloading the EP post haste just so I can listen to Don’t Let Me Go over and over again, and also to support awesome burgeoning talent. ("Yeah, that Brian Bergeron? I was in on the ground floor on that. He's awesome!" or so goes the imaginary conversation at some awesome cocktail party I'm always going to in my head).

Brian Bergeron, if you’re reading, thanks for this chance encounter to listen to some quality music and thanks for the goose bumps.

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