Indies Unite for Joshua +George Mark House = An Awesome Cause
Psst. You. Yeah You! Come over here. You heard of IndiesUnite 4 Joshua? What do you mean ‘No you haven’t’? Well are you a fan of
helping at least one person kick cancer in the A**? Would you like to put up to
fifteen dollars in the fund and best of all they wouldn’t even be your dollars?
Well have I got a deal for you. Because you can choose to do
one of two things right now that could send fifteen bucks their way. Sound too
good to be true? It ain’t. I can promise you that. So what is it that I’m
asking you to do that will *magically* put fifteen bucks into the Indies Unite
4 Joshua campaign?
That’s easy:
- Send
out some twitter love to George Mark House. (What? I can have layers, and
ulterior motives. So sue me.)
Let me explain:
If you’ve been around my site for any length of time (although to be fair, who has? Heh) you know about my love of George Mark House.(Don’t know about them? Here’s their website. Want to know what they’ve done for my family? Start here or just click the tag George Mark House and see my archives on the subject.) They are a wonderful organization that helped me and also helps families like Josh’s, who are struggling to manage their own care of a life debilitating disease or disorder. They help pediatric patients with a variety of issues in a variety of ways, up to and including respite care, transitional care from hospital to home, and last but certainly not least, palliative care issues. But of course that’s not all they do. They aren’t just a pediatric hospice house, they are also; A place where a mini-horse can be in a patient’s room, a place where a camel makes house calls, a place where special needs teens can have their own prom and a place where families who have lost children can go to remember those they’ve lost and celebrate who they are, and that’s just to name a few things that they are.
So what does this have to do with Indies Unite for Joshua? Well I’m all about spreading the love around. And based on the people I’ve met during the Indies Unite for Joshua campaign, I know you are too. You people have generous hearts and unbridled energy to match. So this is what I’m proposing. I want as many people as I can to know about what they do and who they are so that they get the notoriety and hopefully the funding they deserve and need to keep their doors open.
So tweet the following:
George Mark House helps children with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Learn more about them: #GMCH @tyliag
Get your friends to do the same. If I can get twenty+ individual unique people to tweet this and send it back to me by the end of day Friday, the deadline being right before the spreecast party, I’ll give Indies Unite for Joshua a five spot. If I can get fifty+ people, Indies Unite for Joshua will get a ten spot. All you have to do is show George Mark House some love and its money in the bank. - Write
a blog post about George Mark and send me a link. You can link one of my blog
posts if you want, or you can link that awesome story from CNN about them, or
better yet, send Ben Tuller and his awesome documentary about George Mark House
called A New Way Home some much needed recognition. If I can get five people to
shout out to George Mark House on their blogs by Friday’s spreecast party,
Indies Unite for Joshua will get another five. Please note that since I don’t
have Facebook, I won’t be counting Facebook links or mentions to the five+
total. I totally encourage you to put it on Facebook, and if you can, please
do, but Facebook pages won’t count towards the total.
So there you go. I know I’m only giving you less than two days to accomplish this but I’ve seen what you’re capable of en mass. I know you’ve got the ability, now go out and do it!