Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Nacho Libre

So am I nuts or am I the only one who wants to see Nacho Libre? I know I'm the only one in my household anyway. I get all excited when one of the commercials comes on, Fighting Nun just rolls his eyes and not even the dog can be bothered. But it's genius. Geeenius.

Jack Black. In Blue Tights. And what I'm taking to be a Jew-Fro. Wrestling. What's not to love? I mean that hair alone is worth the price of admission. And the mustache. And the eyebrow pops (I know, I know, he does that in every movie). Come On People. Brilliant!!!

O.k., I get Fighting Nun's reservations. We've been burned before. Orange County. School of Rock. Saving Silverman (shudder). But that doesn't change the fact that I'm Jack Black's bitch and have been since Airborne. He was Augie Damn it! The second he was in that film sealed my fate as such. That's a long story, but still. It's Jack Black in Tights and Jew-Fro. How can the man who brought to the world Inward Singing and Karate Schnitzel be bad? You know how? You don't do you, because HE CAN'T BE. He's in Tenacious MOTHER-FUCKING D for Christ's Sake. You and I must see his movie now!!! Jack Black Commands You!!! So Do the Tights!!! And the Jew-Fro!!! The Jew-Fro asks for Your Obedience!!! Obey!!!!!!!!!


Pillow Fighting Fanatic said...

If I get a lap dance on my birtday we can go see it!

The Bloody Munchkin said...

From who? Me? Some nameless stripper? Or perhaps an innocent but drunken citizen I can convince to do so? I'm sorry, you're going to have to be more specific.

Pillow Fighting Fanatic said...

At least two of the three... I like the innocent but druken citizen idea.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

You would...