There's Sumo Wrestling to be had in the Bay Area, soon, and nobody told me??? For Shame. I had to find out about this event on the back of a municipal bus. And can I talk Fighting Nun into it? No. Not at all. Which sucks, because... SUMO!!!
Our conversation went something like this:
Fighting Nun: Hello.
Bloody Munchkin: So, uhm on the 17th of June, there's going to be Sumo Wrestling at the Oakland Arena.
Fighting Nun: So?
Bloody Munchkin: Soooo. SUMO! There's sumo and there's wrestling and... and SUMO!!!
Fighting Nun: That's nice dear (right here is where I could swear I heard his eyeballs physically rolling up into his brain.)
Bloody Munchkin: But, but, but... SUMO!!! Big guys, small short underwear things, one ring, two men enter, one man leaves... Come On. SUMO!!!
Fighting Nun: ...
Bloody Munchkin: It would be so awesome, and there'd be... and the... you really don't want to go do you?
Fighting Nun: Not so much.
Bloody Munchkin: Fine...
O.k. I realize I have probably an unrealistic view of the sport, what with the way it's portrayed on TV and all, but SUMO!!! I don't care if it has been sensationalized on TV and the event itself might probably way boring, but I'm convinced that watching two very big men both having man-boobs the size of my head slap each other around and wrestle for a couple of minutes each, cannot be boring. If we could drink, even better. I'm convinced there is a drinking game to be played somewhere in this event.
I'm still plying Fighting Nun, because SUMO!!! It's just... SUMO!!! What, now I'm losing you guys too? Sumo? Aw c'mon. Sumo! Sumo? Sumo...
Sumo wrestling sounds like A LOT of fun. I'd go with ya, but I have a bachelorette partty to go to. AsiaSF with a show put on by Drag queens & stripper vs. Sumo wrestlers. Hmm, that is a hard one. Both equally entertaining. But I'm gonna have to go with the drag queens!
Damned Drag queens, always beating out sumo wrestling as the mindless entertainment of choice. Don't you people get it? It's men. With man boobs. Bigger than my head. Wrestling. Sigh...
I'm guessing some of these drag queen/trannies will also have boobs. Men with women boobs! I think they qualify as man boobs...
In all fairness, they each hair thier appeal. As odd as that sounds! LOL
Technically, if they are trannies, wouldn't they be called bitch tits? Or maybe she-man boobs? Great, now I won't rest until I qualify what the proper name is for a drag queen's boobs...
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